Schmidt Custom Builders offers assistance from selecting the perfect lot for your new home through the completion of a comprehensive plan. We ensure your satisfaction and work hard to understand your vision. We'll start by having several educational and informational meetings, well before construction begins. See the quality craftsmanship firsthand. We are always available to accompany you on a tour of any of our custom homes that are available to visit.

Schmidt Custom Builders wants you to enjoy the process of creating your home. Here's an outline of our home-building process:

Site Evaluation - Often the initial client meeting occurs at the site of construction. The site may be a lot that you already own, or are considering for purchase. At this site visit, we walk the property and make recommendations regarding the height, location, orientation, and placement of the home. This is a critical part of the building process, because it is where the inspiration for your design begins.

Design - We pride ourselves on building your custom home around you: your needs, wants, and lifestyle. Beginning with a list of wants and needs, an initial plan design will be developed for your new home. Once a preliminary plan is drawn, we'll sit down with you and thoroughly review the plan to determine what changes need to be made (red-lining). This collaborative effort continues between the customer and Schmidt Custom Builders and the architect or Designer, until a final blueprint is created.

Quote - Our client specification meeting is very detailed. Reviewing specific details early in the process helps to eliminate surprises and allows us to quote what our customers want to build. The home is then quoted based on the outlined specifications and reviewed with you. Together we make adjustments to the plan design and pricing to meet budget considerations. We also review the terms of our building contract.

Pre-Construction - With a signed contract, we'll establish a start date and complete a project schedule. This comprehensive project schedule identifies each task and pending decision in the building process, the responsible party, and the completion date. A final site meeting will take place to determine the location of the driveway and home, as well as the height of the home.

Build - We'll be in constant contact throughout the building process. Our team of professionals at Schmidt Custom Builders takes a personal interest to ensure your house is completed to specification within the allotted time period and with strict attention to detail. You will know exactly what and when decisions need to be made, as well as what is happening at your home on any given day. We'll meet regularly to review the progress and you will get to know each of our team members as they work on your home.

At the end of the journey, you will have a magnificent home where new memories can be made for years to come.



The process of building your custom home begins with a discussion. We learn about your lifestyle, hobbies, budget, and your ideas for your new custom home.


We research available lots in your price range keeping in mind topography, tree location, solar orientation, slope, and restrictions that will influence the building efficiency and the total cost of your project.


Next, we schedule a consultation. Bring your ideas, sketches, and publications that you’d include in your dream home. Similar to a puzzle, you’ll want all the elements of your home to fit together in harmony so that the finishing product meets your quality standard.


After collecting your sketches, publications, and ideas, you will schedule a meeting with us and an architect to turn your dreams into reality. Your design changes and selections will help guide the finishing product.


Next, we meet with the decorating professionals who will guide you through interior and exterior finishes. Then, we will meet with plumbing, lighting, hardware, and appliance specialists. Your options are limited only by imagination and budget.


As construction begins, you will be in our capable hands. We will be on your job site each day, supervising the work to ensure your home is built to the highest standards. As work progresses, you will be involved in each step of the process.


Once your home is finished, we thoroughly inspect your home and all its features. We help with the technical aspects like maintenance and operation, and answer any questions you have. Our goal is to exceed your expectations and build the best home at an affordable price. We look forward to helping you build your custom home. 



Are you tired of what you see? We can transform your old home into a place of modern luxury. Whether you are interested in renovating just one room or the entire home, Schmidt Custom Builders is a professional and experienced team you can count on to uplift your living space.


How much do you charge per square foot?

This is a frequently asked question that is not easily answered due to the fact that all of our projects are as unique as our clients. Different designs and personal preferences will determine the exact cost to build your custom home. Some of the factors that directly affect the cost of your home range from the complexity of design to the personal preference in amenities. Consequently, a typical price range may be $100 to $300 per square foot and is as a unique and truly personal experience.

How long will my project take?

Once plan development is completed, a typical custom home may take about six months to build. However, it may take up to a year or more to complete a larger home with complex design or great detail. The span of any building project is in direct relationship to the scope of work that is being completed.

Can you explain allowances, how they work and how they will play a role in our project?

A builder usually provides a project allowance for some of the selection items that result in very personal taste. A few of the most common are for items such as interior light fixtures, counter tops, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, tile work, and floor finishes. Builders typically set an allowance based on experiences with their past clients. These allowances provided by the builder are typically based upon averages and should be sufficient to meet the requirements of most clients. The reality is that each and every client has their own personal taste and preference, and the allowance may not be sufficient to cover the actual expense. When this takes place the client would ask that the fixture budget be changed to one of their particular preference. When building a custom home, upgrades are actually the norm–hence the word "custom”.

What goes into a "Green Home"?

Green Homes incorporate environmental considerations and resource efficiency into every step of the building and development process to minimize environmental impact. The design, construction, and operation of a home must focus on energy and water efficiency, resource efficient building design and materials, indoor environmental quality, and must take the homes overall impact on the environment into account. However, many of the processes and technologies that go into a Green Home happen behind the scenes and behind the walls.